objective c - OpenSSL Diffie Hellman DER Encoding in C -

i have problem , spent last 2 days searching answers.

i generated dh object openssl in c (more specific objective-c, think there isn't that) , can access p,q , publickey values bignums. need send these values asn.1 der encoding server 1 base64 string.

on android client important step .getpublic().getencoded() followed base64 encoding. ( keyagreement or so)

how can on c or objective-c? code examples very great.

for der encoding, can i2d_dhparams may solve purpose.

suppose have dh parameters in dh, can call

  int len;   len  = i2d_dhparams (dh, &buf);   //it should write encoded dh buf , len should number of bytes written. 

you can see dh methods here.


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