ruby on rails - How to cancel a too-broad CSS color declaration in a later stylesheet? -
in rails app using twitter bootstrap starting point. twitter bootstrap uses of html5 boilerplate reset includes gem:
@media print { * { color: #000 !important; /* black prints faster: */ } }
(note linked article 200-effing-8)
my app outputs pdf using pdfkit/wkhtmltopdf , due above declaration pdf output black on white. whole point of pdfkit/wkhtmltopdf (to me, in app) pdf output match screen.
is there way me override declaration in stylesheets after bootstrap imported? want along lines of "auto" doesn't appear valid.
i can, of course, comment out line in bootstrap, i'd rather avoid changing source if can (since i'm bringing in via bootstrap-sass gem). tell pdfkit/wkhtmltopdf not use "print" stylesheets, creates different problems.
i've tried setting "inherit" functionally isn't i'm after, , doesn't seem work anyway.
i comment out in bootstrap css. asterisk selector wildcard set text content black. otherwise have write out lot of individual css rules using id or class override. if of text content on site set black or dark enough color, don't need css print rule.
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