jquery - Flot Chart Tooltip Error - Tooltip Date is One Day Behind X-Axis Date -
i haven't been able understand why tooltip date off single day. believe x-axis correct, , i've been playing around it, killing me.
how can fix this?
i'm passing in json url endpoint variable jsondataurl. here example datapoint: [{date: "2013-01-01", value: 50}]
and cssselector placeholder.
here's code:
$.getjson(jsondataurl, function(res) { var data = []; $.each(res, function(i, entry){ data.push( [new date(entry["date"]), entry["value"]] ); }); var opts = { yaxis: { min: 0}, xaxis: { mode: "time", timeformat: "%m-%d"}, series: { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } }, grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true} }; $.plot($(cssselector), [data], opts); $(cssselector).bind("plotclick", function(event, pos, item) { if (item) { var x = parseint(item.datapoint[0]), y = item.datapoint[1]; var date = (new date(x)); var day = date.getdate(); var month = date.getmonth() + 1; var formatteddate = month + "-" + day; $("#tooltip").remove(); var label = "date: " + formatteddate + "<br/> count: " + y; showtooltip(item.pagex, item.pagey, label); } }); });
i hope ok, answer own question. i'm happy discovered silly mistake! i'm using ruby on rails gather data , pass flot chart via json url. since server records data @ utc midnight, passing in data tooltip @ local timezone knocking out of sync.
so, changed date.getdate() , date.getmonth() date.getutcdate() , date.getutcmonth().
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