Difference between C 8 bit 16-bit 32-bit compilers -
this question may redundant, didn't found exact answer.
what difference between c 8 bit 16-bit 32-bit compilers.
how .exe differ generated different compilers same code...........
16 bit compilers compile program 16-bit machine code run on computer 16-bit processor. 16-bit machine code run on 32-bit processor, 32-bit machine code not run on 16-bit processor. 32-bit machine code faster 16-bit machine code.
with 16 bit compiler type-sizes (in bits) following:
short, int: 16 long: 32 long long: (no such type) pointer: 16/32 (but 32 means 1mb address-space on 8086)
with 32 bit compiler object-sizes (in bits) following:
short: 16 int, long: 32 long long: 64 pointer: 32
with 64 bit compiler object-sizes (in bits) following:
short: 16 int: 32 long: 32 or 64 (!) long long: 64 pointer: 64
[while above values correct, may vary specific operating systems. please check compiler's documentation default sizes of standard types]
following can explain little bit more... http://cboard.cprogramming.com/c-programming/96536-16-bit-compilar-32-bit-compilar.html
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