php - Magento - how to create new product type based on bundle product -
i have problem how create new product type based on bundle product.
i create module , extends mage_bundle_model_product_type in namespace/modulename/model/product/type/myproducttype.php. if going admin , create new product type, product simple product not bundle product.
in config.xml is
<catalog> <product> <type> <formula translate="label" module="bank"> <label>formula product</label> <model>bank/product_type_formula</model> <price_model>bank/product_type_formula_price</price_model> </formula> </type> </product> </catalog>
in formula.php is
<?php class xxxx_bank_model_product_type_formula extends mage_bundle_model_product_type { public function isvirtual($product = null) { return true; } } ?>
i don't know why. can me ?
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