core data - Why does an unsaved managedObject lose its managedObjectContext -
currently, developing app book cars. booking related data stored in entity 'bookings'. attributes of 'bookings' or relationships between 'bookings' , other enties mandatory decided add managedobjects of entity 'bookings' own managedobjectcontext. context stored in separate variable avoid losing it. works fine unless i'll sign (enterprise store or adhoc) app , deploy it. arc enabled.
class bookings interface
@interface bookings : nsmanagedobject { @private nsmanagedobjectcontext *mcontext; } @end
class bookings implementation
@implementation bookings { + (bookings *)booking { nsmanagedobjectcontext *context = [[nsmanagedobjectcontext alloc] initwithconcurrencytype:concurrencytype]; [context setpersistentstorecoordinator:[self persistentstorecoordinator]]; bookings *object = (bookings*)[[nsmanagedobject alloc] initwithentity:[self entityforname:pname] insertintomarenagedobjectcontext:context]; [object setsomereservationdata:...]; ... // here store context in ivar of booking object [object->mcontext = context]; return object; } }
at state booking object not saved!
class bookingsvc
bookings *booking = [bookings booking]; nslog(@"context: %@", [booking managedobjectcontext]);
nothing saved or altered context null.
console output on device (adhoc signed , deployed via iphone-configurator or testflight)
... context: (null)
console output on simulator or device (adhoc signed installed via xcode)
... context: <nsmanagedobjectcontext: 0x893c520>
so why unsaved managedobject lose managedobjectcontext , how can avoided? bug or expected behavior?
your context nullified @ end of function. see here
object disowned context making properties null, in debug mode there exists autorelease pool keeping context being deallocated.
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