android - IllegalArgumentException while taking a screen shot of a custom view -

while trying make screen shot of custom view,i got illegalargumentexception : width , height must >0. here wrote :

bitmap = loadbitmapfromview(v1);//v1 custom view want picture. public static bitmap loadbitmapfromview(view v) { bitmap b = bitmap.createbitmap( v.getlayoutparams().width, v.getlayoutparams().height, bitmap.config.argb_8888);                 canvas c = new canvas(b); v.layout(0, 0, v.getlayoutparams().width, v.getlayoutparams().height); v.draw(c); return b; } 

the line in there exception : bitmap b = bitmap.createbitmap( v.getlayoutparams().width, v.getlayoutparams().height, bitmap.config.argb_8888);
of course screen shot code executed after view showed,on next_act button code

the width , height of layoutparams can constant such fill_parent, , negative numbers.

to view's measured dimensions can use:

v.getmeasuredwidth() , v.getmeasuredheight() 

however, depends on you're after, , whether view has been measured.

it make more sense wait until view has been drawn, before taking screenshot ;-) you'd need explain more use case.


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