api - Facebook sending one time notification -

one of core functions of app have been writing, ability send notification. not user, app.

i have managed send notifications registered users of app, works charm.

i have facebook api invitations working users can invite friends use app.

however, opposed games, 2 people use app (like songpop, etc), app should not send notifications user has been using app. user should not known person receives notification. initiative sending notification lies user though.

documentation on subject quite scattered, , on 1 website explained functionality available, while other sites opposite.

is possible, in way, app can send 1 time notification of kind facebook user has not yet authorized app?


basically, functionality looking user initiates notification/message user b (who in friends list), user stays anonymous user b.

you cannot send notifications users have not authorized app. documenation quite clear on this:

apps can send notifications existing user has authorized app.  


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